Funky Mollah
Il expose à Paris, il a signé des pochettes d’albums pour Michael Jackson ou la Mano Negra, il a vécu les temps pionniers d’une street culture qu’on rechignait à appeler art. Hachim bahous, alias Isham, star parmi ses pairs. Ses humanités, Isham les a ainsi faites dans… le hard rock. Son enfance maubeugeoise le voit recopier les dessins des albums heavy metal de son frère. « Je customisais les sacs de mon collège, ça m’a donné envie de faire du lettrage. » Le graff est venu plus tard. « En 1989, se souvient-il. À cause de la situation économique dramatique à Maubeuge, des potes partaient bosser en Seine Saint-Denis. Ils sont entrés dans des crews de graffeurs. ils en ont rapporté des bombes et une culture …
He had Exhibitions in Paris, bu he is also the talented arttist who created album covers for Michael Jackson, Mano Negra, and many others … He was there since the early days of the Street Culture, even before the Graffiti was considarated as a brand new art form. His real name is Hachim Bahous, also known as Isham, and his first steps was emmerging from Heavy Metal Music, « I was making a lot of Customised Clothes and some hand-made design on Backpack, back then. It pushed me a step further with the building of letters, before evolving naturally to the Graffiti. Isham recalls, « In 1989, due to a devastating crisis in Maubeuge, most of my friends went to Paris to get a job, joined crews and when they came back they used to bring with’em spray cans and accessorily a Culture.